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Environment and sustainability

UniSQ is determined to participate fully through its academic and professional contributions, to climate change response and sustainability.

UniSQ is determined to participate fully through its academic and professional contributions, to climate change response and sustainability. We are committed to improving our environmental performance and have implemented initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint including: 

With on-campus energy consumption, generating more than 80% of the University's carbon emissions there is a strong commitment to energy conservation, efficiency and emissions reduction. As a large-scale consumer of energy (electricity and gas) the direct focus for the University's environmental initiatives has centred on demand management (reducing electricity usage) and on campus generation.

Our approach to energy management is centred on reducing the University's greenhouse gas emissions, energy related costs and consumption.

Some of the energy reduction initiatives undertaken by the university in recent years include:

  • Continuous upgrading of campus lighting systems to LED (light emitting diode)
  • Progressive roll-out of solar PV to offset the energy demand profile
  • Installation of web-enabled power management and sub-metering
  • Building Management and control system upgrades to enable system monitoring and efficient operation

Sustainable Energy Solution Project

The University has taken positive action to offset its energy requirements by installing a Sustainable Energy Solution. The project represents a significant investment into the three communities UniSQ is part of, providing a ‘real-world experience’ that delivers a measurable reduction in long-term energy-related emissions and costs, as well as an enhanced platform for research, learning and teaching.

The 2 megawatt solar project continues to reduce the University’s total carbon emissions by approximately 20 per cent per year. Annual performance of  the Sustainable Energy Solution continues to exceed the minimum energy generation performance guarantee. 

Renewable energy generated from the system is 10,558.76MWh (as of 31 Dec 2020) offsetting the University’s emissions by 8477.70tCO2-e since the system went live in June 2017.The 2MW solar array project actively demonstrates the University’s commitment to its social responsibilities and to improving environmental performance.

As a significant consumer of water the University is committed to water conservation, harvesting and reuse across all its campuses.  Over the past ten years as a direct response to climate change the University has significantly reduced water consumption levels by implementing the following conservation and infrastructure initiatives:

  • replacing all single flush toilets with dual flush systems, saving us an estimated 2.5 million litres a year
  • capturing and reusing stale water output by air conditioners for irrigation purposes
  • installation of a 16 mega litre retention basin to capture stormwater overflow for irrigation use
  • stormwater collection for use in maintaining the Japanese Gardens Lake
  • re-plumbing buildings to be operational on 100% harvested rainwater.

To balance demand with compliance obligations, the central focus over the next five year will be on the development and implementation of a long-term sustainable water strategy.

With a continued focus on campus waste management and resource recovery programs, emissions generated from waste disposal have reduced across the last five years with increased recycling performance across all campuses.  The progressive and adaptive approach to waste management has resulted in segregated waste streams being rolled out across campuses in an effort to minimise waste that would otherwise be directed to landfill. 


A diverse range of waste recycling streams have been introduced in an effort to reduce the amount of wasted resources that would otherwise be buried in landfill.

Across-campus recycling programs continue to be rolled out with public place recycling stations located around the Toowoomba, Ipswich and Springfield campuses. Current recycling programs are in place for:

  • paper (general paper and confidential waste) and cardboard
  • eWaste (computers, mobile phones and other electronic equipment)
  • CD/DVD
  • batteries
  • toner and ink jet cartridges
  • fluorescent tubes and other lamps
  • co-mingled waste (glass, aluminium cans and plastic)
  • furniture.

Green recycling

Green waste from our gardens and grounds maintenance is converted to mulch and reused on the garden beds. This practice has been integral in improving the water required for upkeep of UniSQ plantings.

eWaste recovery

Obsolete or out-dated computers, televisions, printers, mobile phones and similar technologies are regularly collected for e-waste recycling. A permanent eWaste collection facility for larger items is located in the Campus Services waste compound at UniSQ Toowoomba. Additional eWaste disposal facilities are available in R Block, UniSQ Toowoomba.

Downsizing our fleet

We have replaced larger petrol-powered sedans with smaller and greener motor pool vehicles with fuel-efficient diesel engines. As technology and vehicle choices evolve, we continue to review and select greener alternatives for our fleet.

End of trip facilities

End of trip facilities specifically designed for cyclists are available for use at both Toowoomba and Springfield, complementing the cycle paths throughout the campus. These facilities provide secure storage for bicycles and shower and toilet facilities. They are eco-friendly and incorporate technologies such as solar power for hot water and electricity, and rainwater harvesting.

Green purchasing

In line with our we regularly monitor and review our acquisition of all goods and services, and our disposal of waste. Preference is given to items produced in ways which cause least harm to the environment and will generate the least waste material.

Industry memberships

To foster ties with other institutions engaged in the same activities and to improve information sharing, UniSQ has attained membership with the following industry organisations:

  • - Institutional member.

Contact us

Level 1 O3 Block
UniSQ Toowoomba

+61 7 4631 2627
