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Assessment extensions

We understand that on occasion there may be circumstances that prevent you completing and submitting an assessment item by the published due date. In these circumstances, you may be able to apply for an assessment extension.   

Assessment extensions are not available for all assessment items, so check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

If you are experiencing and an assessment extension is not available for a specific assessment item, you may be asked to complete a item instead. You can ask to defer an assessment item using the online Assessment Extension request available in your Student Centre.

Formal Examinations are not eligible for assessment extensions. If you are unable to complete your formal examination due to , you may be able to apply for a .

A short three (3) calendar day extension is available for many types of assessments and may help you manage short-term interruptions to your study that effect your ability to complete and submit assessment items by the published due date.

A short extension is not allowed for all assessment items. Check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

  • Short extension requests must be submitted by the published due date for the assessment item, using the online form in your Student Centre.

  • The first time you request a short extension on a particular assessment item you won’t need to provide a reason or supporting documents.

  • Short extension requests are automatically approved for eligible assessment items, and you’ll receive an email confirming your revised due date when you successfully submit your request.
    • Note: If the assessment item is a quiz and the published due date has passed, or you have submitted your request outside University business hours, you will need to wait for our confirmation email that your course StudyDesk has been updated to reflect your due date extension. You won’t be able to attempt the quiz before we make the date changes to your quiz link in StudyDesk.

  • The revised due date for the assessment item may or may not be a University Business Day.

A short extension is only available once for eligible assessment items. If you require a further extension for the same assessment item, this will be considered a long extension. You will need to submit a new online request before the revised due date and provide supporting documentation, in accordance with the .

A long assessment extension of four (4) or more calendar days, is available for many types of assessments and may help you manage that have a significant impact on your study and effect your ability to complete and submit assessment items by the published due date, or the revised due date of an approved short extension.  

The explains how the University decides if a situation meets the criteria to be called a Special Circumstance and provides examples of the types of supporting documents that may need to be provided for a further extension request to be considered. Examples are provided on the reasons for requesting long extensions and Deferred Assessment page.

A long extension is not allowed for all assessment items. Check your StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before you try to submit your extension request.

  • Long extension requests must be submitted by the published due date for the assessment item, using the online form in your Student Centre.

  • A long extension request must be supported by a statement of circumstances and relevant, acceptable supporting documents, in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstance Procedure. 

  • Long extension requests that exceed the maximum number of days allowable for an assessment item will be considered a . 

Assessment extension requests will be considered a when one or more of the following occurs.

  • The assessment item is not eligible for an extension, and a deferred assessment is available because of , in accordance with the .

  • The assessment item is eligible for an extension, however the length and impact of an individual student’s exceed the maximum long extension available for that assessment item.

  • The assessment item cannot be submitted before the last day of the study period, and the grade for the course cannot be finalised by the published results release date.

The deferred assessment will be equivalent, but may not be identical, to the original assessment item. You may be asked to complete a varied piece of assessment if it is not appropriate to defer the original assessment item. A varied assessment item will assess the same knowledge or skills as the original assessment item.

Deferred Assessment due dates

The revised due date for a deferred assessment is normally after the last day of the study period for your course, and no later than 1 University business day before the start of the next study period in your program. This may have the following implications:

  • An assessment item that is not eligible for an extension and has a published due date early in the study period may instead be approved as a deferred assessment with a revised due date after the study period ends. Extended periods of time between published due dates and revised due dates may impact your time management and how you build and consolidate your knowledge, understanding and skills.

  • Deferred assessment for multiple assessment items in one or more courses, may have the same revised due date. Managing your time effectively will be critical to ensuring your ability to complete multiple deferred assessments by the revised due dates. As the situation allows, we suggest working on your assessments and submitting each one as soon as possible. A will be deducted from your mark for any assessment item submitted late.

  • Submitting deferred assessment on the revised due date does not guarantee that you will receive your final grade before the start of the next study period in your program. You may receive a temporary grade of Deferred Assessment (DA) at results release. If the grade for your course cannot be finalised by the published results release date, your final grade will normally be provided to you by the of the next study period in your program, and may impact your future course enrolments and academic progress.

A deferred assessment is not available for an assessment item that has already been deferred. If there are any reasons that might prevent you submitting a deferred assessment item by the revised due date, let us know as soon as possible.

If you have questions about a deferred assessment due date or need advice that is specific to your circumstances, contact the Assessment Support Team for individualised support.

A is an exceptional, additional assessment, such as a supplementary examination or assessment item, that is normally offered to a student who has achieved at least 45% and less than 50% of the marks available for the course.

You are not able to apply for supplementary assessment. UniSQ will determine whether you are eligible and let you know how and when to complete any supplementary assessments.

  • If you are offered a supplementary assessment, your Course Coordinator can answer any questions you may have about the individual supplementary assessment item. 
  • If you require an extension on supplementary assessment because of , email a detailed statement of your circumstances to the Assessment Support Team at assessment.support@unisq.edu.au and attach the relevant, acceptable supporting documentation.

If you have questions and need advice that is specific to your circumstances, contact the Assessment Support Team for individualised support.

Need help?

Assessment Support is available during business hours through iconnect.

For urgent enquiries:

Phone: +61 7 4631 2285 or 1800 007 252 (within Australia only)

Email: assessment.support@unisq.edu.au 

Contact iconnect