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Three people smile while being splashed with red powder during an outdoor event on a grassy field.

Events and activities

Get involved in our residential life program.

The Residential Shield is a year-long sporting and cultural competition between McGregor, Steele Rudd and Concannon Colleges at UniSQ Toowoomba. Residents from these three colleges compete in sporting and cultural events throughout the year, accumulating points at each event. The college with the most points at the end of each year is awarded the Residential Shield Trophy, with a number of trophies and awards presented at the annual Residential Shield Dinner.

The UQ-UniSQ Intervarsity Cup is an annual competition between the UniSQ Residential Colleges and UQ Gatton Halls of Residence. The Intervarsity Cup consists of three to five sporting events to determine the overall winner of the Cup. Following the day's sporting events, the winning University is presented with the Cup during a dinner presentation. This is followed by a social gathering between the colleges before the visiting college returns home.

Throughout the year, the Resident Students Club (RSC) organises a variety of events for students living on campus to get involved in. From Orientation Week activities that assist students with transitioning to university, to semi-formals, formals, social and cultural events, there is an active Res Life calendar!

There are several formal academic events throughout the year. These occasions involve the senior academic staff of the University and members of the University Council as well as dignitaries from the community. Community involvement correlates with student success and assists with attainting competence with social skills which is the underpinning for successful student outcomes, including wellbeing and developing resilience.

Examples of formal academic events:

  • Residential Colleges Awards Night
  • Academic Achievement and Peer Mentor Recognition Event
  • Valedictory Dinner.